Who am I?
Hey, I’m Laura 👋
And I’m all about supporting you to heal from the trauma of narcissistic abusive relationships.
So you can get your life back on track.
My Mission?
To help you spot the signs, heal from the pain, and build a future full of confidence.
And loving yourself so much that you’ll never settle for anything less than you deserve. Even if that means binge-watching Netflix in your pyjamas on a Friday night because your standards are just that high!
This all started with my own recovery journey, which quickly turned into a passion for guiding others (read my full story here). I became OBSESSED with the power of healing and now I’m here to share what I’ve learned.
Through my blog posts, online workshops (coming soon), and one-on-one coaching sessions (enquire here), I give you the tips and tools you need to heal. I focus on what actually works to boost your emotional well-being, resilience and sense of safety.
I want to cut through all the noise and bad advice that’s out there keeping you stuck. And instead, share my own experiences and tried-and-tested techniques. So you can feel uplifted and hopeful about your future again.
By sharing my story and what I’ve learned along the way, I hope to create a supportive community where you feel understood, validated, and inspired to regain your independence.
What Is This Place?
Sallt Sisters is a place for you to school yourself on all things narcissistic abuse. So you can build your awareness and knowledge about the signs, effects and how to heal from it. But also, better protect yourself from all the narcs out there.
I’m no mathematician (or psychologist). But with the estimate of actual diagnosed narcissists, plus the undiagnosed narcissists, there’s a good chance you could meet one (again).
They could be a family member, a friend, a partner or a boss. And if you add up all their individual life connections, that’s a lot of potential harm.
So your best line of defence is education.
You’ve spelt salt wrong…
I thought you might say that.
Let me explain:
Before going at it alone, I originally started this blog with my bestie, who’s also called Laura (LP), who’s also had a toxic relationship. But with a woman —female narcs exist too!
And the sea was one of our many childhood connections. Boy, did we love a dip and a bodyboard back in the day!
We’d be out in the ocean for hours; weeing in our wetsuits, belly flopping off our boards, burning our porcelain skin (*cough* LP)! And it was always the best time.
So when there’s two Lauras in the sea, the sea’s extra sal-lty!
Wait for it, there’s more…
Back in the day (not a historian so not sure how far back) salt was a cure for wounds.
You’d rub it into a wound and it would sting like hell. But, healing would always follow.
Well your trauma’s your wound. And I’m the salt for you.
Dealing with the effects of your abuse is going to hurt at first – because you’re dragging up painful memories. But if you want to heal, you’re going to have to process them.
And who better to share your pain with, than someone who’s been through the same.
That’s kinda catchy, don’t you think?
So I’m your sister who gets it, and I won’t ask you ‘why didn’t you just leave?’. Because we both know it’s more complicated than that. And thats a fucking stupid and insensitive question to ask!

Why should I care?
I’ve done so much work on myself these last six years; had a lot of face palm moments too:
Oh, the silent treatment was a tactic to control me!
So that’s why every argument somehow ended up being my fault!
Wow, the lack of empathy was a real tip-off too!
So the guidance I give you, is deeply rooted in my personal experience. I’m not just copying lazy AI generated text. Or taking secondhand advice from so-called experts who haven’t even experienced narcissistic abuse themselves!
So I’m always researching and learning about how I can help you recover from your trauma.
Because I know after reading tonnes of books, taking a couple of info courses (a breath course and Somatic EMDR course). Listening to HOURS of audio about narc abuse – add to that all the internet research I’ve done – as well as spending HUNDREDS of dollars on therapy –I know what works and what doesn’t.
So my approach is honest and relatable, helping you to get clear on what emotional abuse looks like from the inside. And what steps you can take to start healing from it.
And if you’re ready to take that first step towards healing, start here now.
Is it true you’re a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
I sure am, but just to make it clear, I’m not out here offering to choke your ex narc —that’s not what I do!
But I will advocate for learning how to defend yourself.
There’s a real mental and physical confidence that comes with learning a martial art. As well as helping you regain a sense of strength — both especially needed after narc abuse.
It’s like you have this secret power you hope to never use. But it’s there to protect you, just in case. (As long as no one pulls a knife on you and the fight starts from the ground, if you know, you know 😉)!
This is just what I need! What should I do next?
Here are three ways I can help you:
For one on one support
Get a FREE 30 minute discovery call, just click below to fill out the form and i’ll get in touch to see if we’re a great fit:
Stop contact checklist
Grab a copy of my free checklist that will give you all the steps you need to take to stop contact with your narcissist:
50 Red flags checklist
Understand the subtle signs of narcissistic behaviour, recognise it and validate your experiences with this free checklist:
How can we stay in touch?
Type your name and email into the boxes below 👇 to sign up for my weekly emails.